
Krav Maga is Universal 

Adapt your own style within Krav Maga no matter your origin to build a soild self defense foundation.

first rule of Krav Maga: 
There are none

Unlike combat sport there are no rules governing striking, area of impact, the manner, or intensity of attack. This practice is meant to be utilized in a real world environment where action or inaction determines life or death.
The groin and other critial areas are used to subdue attackers, unlike combat sports, your opponent will not consider if you live or die.

attacks are unpredictable

As there are no rules in the street, attacks can be armed, unarmed, with unlimited types of attacks and number of attackers 


Full control requires strict conditioning to avoid harm to yourself and your attacker.

drills are life

If you don't succeed - train until it's second nature

Dedicate yourself

Training is about practice. 

Practice is about consistency.

Sometimes you won't be able to commit to a weekly schedule - that is fine.

When you are present in training - you invest in yourself.

Implement effectively

Successful practitioners of Krav Maga retain the information they learn through the course. Past students that have not trained in years retain a muscle memory - making them effective in obtaining higher levels.

Leverage is a mean to an end

Most techniques in Krav Maga consider the biomechanics of the joints and anatomical structures taken from practices such as aikido, judo, karate subdue attack.


In reality, the more advanced defense techniques are against wild, uncontrolled situations - at times, these escalate. Effective Krav Maga does not let the situation go further than initial contact.

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